Our people

We are a diverse and growing community of people from a variety of backgrounds who come together to learn, connect, and champion co-production for lasting change. Our community is supported by a small staff team and our Allies Group who act as a sounding board, helping us to make connections, identify opportunities, raise awareness of our work and ensure our future sustainability.

Our community

Our community members include people with living or lived experience, members of the public, researchers, and people who work in jobs where co-production is part of what they do. All of them have found their way to us because of their interest in co-production.

Photo of one of a computer table showing members of our community at CoPro Cupa - so 5 rows of 5 of headshots at Zoom meeting
Photo of one of our CoPro Cuppas showing members of our community

Our community plays an integral part in everything we do from co-producing ourselves (like our payment policy, strategy, and safeguarding statement) to shaping and delivering co-production training and supporting us to embed co-production in research, policy and organisations. They are paid for their time in line with our payment policy.

We also host monthly Co-Pro Cuppas online for people to network and learn from each other and talk all things co-production. Whether you’re a veteran co-producer or a total newcomer, you belong to an organisation, or you’re interested from a personal perspective we would love you to join us to co-produce with us.

Our Allies Group

We’ve been fortunate to have the support of the Allies Group since 2017, when we first emerged as the UCL Centre for Co-Production. The Allies Group act as advisors and a sounding board, bringing their different experiences and expertise to guide our development, help us to make connections, identify opportunities, raise awareness of our work, and help us ensure our future sustainability. With their diverse experiences and expertise, the Allies Group have played a key role in shaping our development, fostering connections, and ensuring our sustainability. The group meets three to four times every year for two hours to hear updates on our progress and discuss issues like governance plans, policy development, branding or communication strategies.

Who is part of our Allies Group?

Our Allies Group currently has twelve members plus Niccola from the Co-Production Collective staff team.  Five are community members who are co-producers involved in co-production from a lived experience perspective. Seven are from an academic or co-production sector background.

Meeting notes

Allies group news