Accessibility and ways of working

Aligned with our commitment to being inclusive, we strive to remove barriers, recognise strengths and support development. We continuously seek ways to make our activities and website accessible to all, and we welcome your feedback on how we can improve.


In line with our value of being ‘Inclusive’ which for us means ‘proactively promoting inclusivity by being equitable in our approach, removing barriers, recognising people’s strengths, and supporting their development’ we are constantly looking at how we can ensure our activities are accessible to our whole community and welcome your ongoing input into how we can do this better.

This is what we currently offer to try and make our activities as accessible as possible:

  • Live captioning via Otter AI at all our Co-Pro Cuppas and co-creation meetings.
  • BSL interpreters at large online or face-to-face meetings if required.
  • Ensuring all we produce is screen reader friendly with Alt text. 
  • All downloadable documents from our website are available in PDF and Microsoft Word Formats.
  • Key reports and Policy documents (eg Our Direction 2023-2028 and Value of Co-Production Research Project) are available in a variety of formats including Audio, MP4, Braille, EPUB and Mobi. Key elements of the Value of Co-production Research Projects is also available in Easy Read versions.
  • Meetings are conducted in a way that we hope are sensitive to people’s needs. There is always an option to put responses in the chat, rather than speaking aloud, and participants are asked to respect different people’s needs and styles of contributing. 
  • When we write, we do our best to use plain language whilst avoiding acronyms, and when we do have to use any complex language or acronyms, we explain them.
  • Newsletters can be posted to members of the community who find it difficult to read from screens and don’t have access to a printer. 

If you have any feedback about how we can improver our accessibility or any questions about this, please let us know by emailing

We are looking to review our accessibility and accessibility statement with our community this year. To find out more about how we make our meetings, communications, and website accessible, read our main accessibility statement on this link.

Ways of working

All our meetings are conducted using the following ways of working which have been adapted for use from a document produced by The Royal College of Psychiatrists.

Our ways of working are to:

  • Listen with respect and openness - We seek to value learning from different people and stay open to new ways of doing things.
  • Respect confidentiality - People may share something they wish to be kept confidential. We require everyone’s agreement not to share anyone’s information without their permission. 
  • Disagree with the point - not the person. We try to resolve conflicts and tensions.
  • Collaborate - We aim to make decisions by consensus with everyone’s input equally valued.
  • Contribute - We seek to share ideas, ask questions and contribute to discussions. We can also choose not to participate at any stage. 
  • Use plain language - We attempt first to understand, then to be understood. If possible, avoid using jargon and explain acronyms when they are used.

Our partners

Urban Room
Croydon Council
UK Preconception Partnership
The Academy of Medical Sciences
Evidence for Policy And Practice Centre
UCL Grand Challenges
People's Voice Media
Ideas Alliance