What co-production means to us

Co-production is an approach to working together in equal partnership and for equal benefit.

This video is from our Co-Pro stories which provide insights into co-production – what it is, what it feels like, and the challenges and the benefits it can bring.

The Principles of Co-Production

To us, these are the foundations of co-production we adapted from those that were outlined by NIHR in 2021 (along with our core values):

  • Building and maintaining relationships.
  • Sharing power and decision making.
  • Make sure all voices are included and valued/listened to.
  • Something in it for everyone.
  • Reflective practice.

You can read more about the optimal conditions for co-production in the ‘Recommendations from our research’ section on The Value of Co-Production Research Project page.

Why co-production?

It makes sense! Co-production brings together different forms of lived, living and learnt (personal and professional) knowledge, understanding, and experience, for better outcomes and mutual benefit.

So far, genuine co-production in research, services and policy making has been limited. Those who will actually be affected by a project, programme or policy don’t often get the chance to influence its design and development. This is especially the case for certain groups and communities whose voices have historically been excluded from power and decision-making.

But times are changing! Awareness and understanding of co-production is growing across a wide range of sectors and settings. People with living or lived experience are more regularly working alongside researchers, service providers (such as housing or healthcare), policymakers and charity workers or practitioners from a variety of fields as teammates, improving lives together. In line with our strategy Our Direction 2023-2028 we are striving to make co-production more accessible and share how we do this, so that other people can understand how to do this too.

When done well, co-production can be transformative. When done badly, it can significantly damage relationships between those involved that can take a long time to repair. We don’t have all the answers, but we try to lead by example and never stop learning. We exist to influence individuals, organisations and systems, to embrace co-production and put people at the heart of everything they do.

Here are some words of advice from one of our co-producers Scott.

Our partners

Urban Room
Croydon Council
UK Preconception Partnership
The Academy of Medical Sciences
Evidence for Policy And Practice Centre
UCL Grand Challenges
People's Voice Media
Ideas Alliance