
Explore our latest news and learnings from our team and community. Get in touch to write for us, and share your own experience of co-production!

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Recognising and Acknowledging White Privilege: My Journey in Becoming an Ally

In this blog Vita shares her journey in understanding and acknowledging her privilege as a white person and becoming a better ally for people from the Global Majority.

Photo of a global majority person's hand holding a white woman's hand - Photo credit Canva
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Photo of the cover of Co-Production Collective Impact Report 2022 and Year in Numbers 2022

Our Impact Report 2022 is now available!

Showcasing our work over the last year and the impact that it has had.

March 27, 2023

“Participation can’t just be seen as a token gesture”: Job opportunity at Z2K

Friends of the Collective - anti-poverty charity Z2K - are looking for a new Participation Manager. Co-Production Collective Community member, ex-staff team member and Z2K trustee Lizzie shares more.

March 26, 2023
A multi coloured painted board with triangle shaped background with the words 'You belong' in white on it set against green plants Photo Credit: Tim Mossholder - Unsplash

Aspiring to be equitable – March team update

The latest news from the team and our community plus updates about our ongoing projects and upcoming opportunities.

March 16, 2023
Photograph of the top of pale blue weighing scales showing just dial

Help us develop a way to measure what success looks like in co-production

Would you like to get involved in a project to help us find a way to help measure what success looks like in co-production?

March 14, 2023
The Co-Production Collective logo spelled in white letters against a dark teal background

Co-Production Collective Allies Group: December Meeting Notes

Co-Production Collective's Allies Group met once more to discuss key areas of our work. We're sharing the minutes so you can catch-up with what was discussed.

March 9, 2023
Makella is wearing a brown coat and stood in front of a brightly coloured wall

Co-production within archival spaces: what I have learnt

Makella tells us about her two-week placement at Black Cultural Archives that prompted her to think about the potential for co-production within ‘The Arts’ and particularly within cultural archives.

February 26, 2023
A silver spinning top is balanced on a brown wooden surface. Photo by Edu Lauton on Unsplash.

Why is safeguarding so important?

Isaac shares some thoughts on how we can all work towards ensuring the practice of co-production and collaboration is safe for everybody.

February 26, 2023
Dark clouds with the sun emerging from behind them and an orange sky. Photo by Marcus Dall Col on Unsplash.

Epistemic injustice and co-production

Maddie explores epistemic injustice from her perspective as a psychiatric survivor and discusses how co-production has the potential to prevent and repair the harm done by this kind of injustice.

February 26, 2023
Photo of water that is not quite a stream running through rocky outcrops covered in grass on either side with gravel closest to the water - Photo credit - Martin Sanchez - Unsplash
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Getting into the flow of 2023 – February Team Update

The latest news from the team and our community plus updates about our ongoing projects and upcoming opportunities.

February 8, 2023

Proving co-production in the cultural sector works

David Tovey and Amanda Sinclair from Arts & Homelessness International, the global network of arts and homelessness, share their experiences of co-production in the cultural sector.

January 28, 2023