Co-Production Collective Allies Group: September Meeting Notes

Co-Production Collective's Allies Group met once more to discuss key areas of our work. We're sharing the minutes so you can catch-up with what was discussed.

April 19, 2021
The Co-Production Collective logo spelled in white letters against a dark teal background

On 22 September 2022, Co-Production Collective's Allies Group met once more to discuss key areas of our work. We're sharing the minutes so you can catch-up with what was discussed.

The Allies Group act as Co-Production Collective's advisors and sounding board, bringing their different experiences and expertise to guide our development. We meet 3-4 times a year and they support us to make connections, identify opportunities to raise awareness of our work, and help us ensure our future sustainability.

For an introduction to each member of the group and for more information about how the group was formed and our plans for it going forward, have a read of our summary blog. To find out what the group discussed at its previous meeting in July 2022, take a look at the previous meeting notes.

The most recent meeting on 22 September 2022 was a chance to update the Allies Group members on our recent work and discuss items including:

  • An update from Vanessa on recent activity developing the Co-Producer model.  
  • An update on Co-Production Collective sustainability – information about plans to hopefully secure two permanent posts for Co-Production Collective within the UCL Engagement team paid for by UCL and how this may impact Co-Production Collective (which is still in discussion).
  • How to recruit two new Co-Chairs for the Allies group (once Graham Hart the current Chair steps down at the end of December) one from a UCL academic background and one from within Co-Production Collective community. In addition, the recruitment of additional group members in a way that reflects our core values.

Read the meeting notes

In line with our core values - especially being transparent - we've committed to sharing the notes from our Allies meetings here on our website. You can read of the notes from September's meeting here - in PDF document and Word document formats.

The next Allies Group meeting will be held in December 2022 and the notes will be published here on our website shortly afterwards.

Get in touch

If you have any questions about anything in the notes or would like to share your thoughts, please feel free to get in touch.

Meeting notes

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