Co-production Week 2022 events – an opportunity to be involved!

The Co-Production Collective needs you! Represent our community at two exciting events during this year's Co-Production Week.

April 19, 2021
Digital art of 2022 as a 3 D image with vibrant yellow and orange colours, against a background of triangle shaped tiles, in many colours of purple, blue, teal, and white.

Co-Production Collective needs you!

It will soon be that time of the year again - Co-production Week is taking place from 4 to 9 July 2022. Co-Production Collective as a co-production movement is not only passionate about co-production but is also dedicated to collaborating with other organisations. We have a great opportunity for our community members to attend a co-production event and a festival on behalf of Co-Production Collective.

What is this all about?

Co-production Week is the week where we can celebrate, spotlight, and showcase co-production. It is also a week that we can come together to really speak to the power of co-production.

We are looking for several committed members of our community to represent Co-Production Collective on 5 July at the Not Another Co-production Festival, and on 7 July at the People’s Voice Media Community Reporter Conference 2022, both in Manchester (the second event also has some online hybrid sessions).

We hope that by attending these events we will gain more insights into different types of co-production, and also continue to build and strengthen our regional co-production relationships, in addition to celebrating the impact of co-production in Co-production Week.

Both events will be a lot of fun! The Not Another Co-production Festival will have lots of space to explore the good, bad, and ugly of co-production, have conversations, think, dream, ask questions and share our experiences together. It will bring grassroots changemakers together with local, regional and national organizations and movements to forge new partnerships, share practices and learn from social change activities.

The annual Community Reporter Conference is back for its fourth year and will be a conversation about power and lived experience, exploring questions like: Who controls the narrative? Whose story do we hear? And who watches the watchmen?

We’d love it if you would like to join us as part of the Co-Production Collective team attending both of the events!

What this role involves

If you are successful, taking on this role will involve two or three days of activity in Manchester (depending on your preference). The programme will be flexible, and we will work out an itinerary to suit you, but we anticipate something like:

  • Tuesday 5 July morning – travel to Manchester  
  • Tuesday 5 July – attend Not Another Co-production Festival, 10:00 – 16:30 (with lots of breaks)
  • Tuesday 5 July evening –accommodation in Manchester (or you can travel home and return on the morning of 7 July if you prefer)
  • Wednesday 6 July – time to do your own thing or we are hoping to run an online Co-pro Cuppa live from Manchester!
  • Wednesday 6 July evening –accommodation in Manchester
  • Thursday 7 July - attend Community Reporter Conference, 10:00 – 17:00 (with lots of chance for breaks)
  • Thursday 7 July evening – travel home

We will pay for the days you work (at our usual rate of £150 per day), cover travel, food and accommodation costs. We have already secured tickets to the events.

As well as attending the events, representing Co-Production Collective and chatting with other attendees about what we do and how we work, there will also be opportunity to share your experiences more widely. We would like to co-produce a blog about the Festival and Conference with your perspective at the heart, including how we as a movement of people interested in co-production could learn from all you've seen and heard.

How to register your interest

Whether you are someone who draws on care or support, a service provider, a community partner, or a local citizen, please register your interest to reserve your spot and be part of this evolving and exciting event.

Contact us at to let us know why you would like to represent Co-Production Collective. You can do this in one of two ways:

  • By sending us a few words in an email
  • By emailing us a one-minute video or audio clip

The deadline for expressions of interest is Friday 10 June. We realise that this will be a popular opportunity and only have two places available. In order to try to be fair, we have taken the decision to put all applicants names in a hat and randomly select the final two.

 Please feel free to email us if you have any questions at all.

Cover photo credit: Choong Deng Xiang

Meeting notes

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