Hi everyone! I’m Mandy, a member of the Co-Production Collective Allies Group. Back in 2021 we shared a blog introducing the Allies Group. In that blog we shared the positive impact that the group was having, and our hopes for its future.
The Allies Group have been acting as our advisors and sounding board since we started the Collective back in 2017, bringing their different experiences and expertise to guide our development. We meet a few times a year and they support us to make connections, identify opportunities to raise awareness of our work, help us ensure our future sustainability, and to keep us on track. As a member of the Allies Group since 2019, I can honestly say that it is one of the most transparent and genuinely soul-searching groups that I have ever been involved in.
Please have a read of the December 2022 meeting notes (March 2023 notes are coming soon). As you will see in the notes from the last meeting, we are eager to recruit more community members to the Allies Group, as well as recruiting co-chairs from our community. We are committed to carrying out this process in line with our values (of being human, inclusive, transparent, challenging), and would like to explore the following issues further with the Collective community:
- How can we make this role and recruitment inclusive?
- How should we set up the process of recruiting new group members/co-chairs?
- Does the recruitment process for the co-chair role need to differ from that of the membership role?
- How does this group and the way it works fit within the Collective's day to day ways of working?
Don't worry if you are considering applying to be a member of the Allies Group, being part of this group won't affect this.
How to get involved
Please sign up via Eventbrite to join us for this co-creation session on Wednesday 10 May 2023, 11:00 – 13:00 (UK time)
Alternatively feel free to book your place by emailing us on coproduction@ucl.ac.uk
If you are joining us in a personal capacity, then we are offering payment of £50 to cover the two hours of the session. You will be able to indicate whether you'd like to receive this, as well as any accessibility needs, when you register.