We are really excited to announce that we were finalists at this year’s Health Service Journal Awards (known as the HSJ awards) for our work as part of the team working with NHS England on the Ear Checks Programme.
The award category we were nominated for celebrates ‘reducing inequalities and improving outcomes for children and young people’.

The Ear Checks Programme has focused on developing accessible ear checks for children and young people who are autistic and/or have a learning disability in residential special schools. The programme has been co-produced from beginning to roll-out, engaging a broad range of people such as adults and young people who are autistic and/or have a learning disability, parents and carers, people who work in education, and people who work in healthcare. Together, we have co-created a range of ways to carry out the checks, and explain them to students, so that they work for the young people themselves.
It was great to see the work of everyone involved recognised through the award nomination. Although we didn’t win last night, we are incredibly proud to have been shortlisted among such fantastic projects. Congratulations to Patch Children’s Community Nursing Team for their well-deserved win!
The team had a great time celebrating and were happy to hear co-production championed throughout the night. We are very thankful to Tympa Health for sponsoring our trip to the event. Tympa Health have played a central role to the ear checks programme, creating the innovative medical technology used to carry out the checks during the pilot stage. It was wonderful to be able to celebrate the night alongside them.

For further information about the project feel free to contact us on coproduction@ucl.ac.uk