Join us to co-create a safeguarding policy relevant to our work as a co-produced co-production community.
Why do we want to develop a safeguarding policy?
Our core values (of being human, inclusive, transparent and challenging) are central to us as a community and how we work. Feeling safe is something every human being has a right to. It is important that we can create and maintain a safe environment and culture. This involves how ‘we’ can develop an individual and collective confidence that we are able to identify and respond in real time to help each other stay safe during our interactions, to get or directed to the right support, and respond appropriately to any concerns about relationships, fears of, or actual abuse, including bullying or discrimination.
Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility - co-producing policies and processes that are fit for purpose and embedded in our trauma-informed culture is part of us as a community living up to our core values and practicing what we preach. We think this diagram from West Yorkshire Health & Care Partnership’s ‘Trauma informed co-production Guidance’ is a useful reminder.

With this all in mind, we want to discuss how we ensure that people are and feel safe during Co-Production Collective sessions and how we as a community (and the Co-Production Collective staff team) respond to risk of or actual harm that takes place either as a result of our sessions or as a knock-on effect. This is more important than ever in light of our work on the ‘Associate roles’, and as we potentially move into a new way of working as a community.
We would also like to think through some of the areas / issues that are particular to the Collective such as:
- Our relationship with organisations who commission us to work with them
- Our relationship with UCL
We realise that we could use some help in getting this policy written and so we've brought in some help from a member of our community - Richard Banks. Richard brings years of experience including having worked with the likes of peer led organisation Inclusion Barnet and social enterprise Tapestry Care - he is going to help us to make sense of all of this.
How can I get involved?
We want as many people as possible from the Co-Production Collective community to be involved in this co-creation process, bringing together our different perspectives and experiences to develop a safeguarding policy which makes sense for all of us.
There will be a few different ways to do this, from getting involved in a co-creation session to contributing via documents or individual conversations.
There will be 4 main ways to get involved:
- A co-creation session to kick off this work - this will be on Thursday 6 October 14:00 - 16:00. We will be running these sessions on Zoom and will send dial-in details to participants nearer the time.
- Individual conversations with Richard - via phone or Zoom to share your thoughts, experience and ideas starting from Monday 5 September.
- Co-creation in your own time - a chance to input into/unpick (in your own time) a draft policy that Richard will produce. When this will be is TBC, we will keep you updated (it is likely to be November time)
- A co-creation session in person in November/December time (date TBC) – more details to be shared in due course. This will be a chance to further input into/unpick a draft policy document (that Richard will produce) before it is finalised and to look at thoughts and feedback received up to this point.
How do I sign-up to join in?
For activity 1, the Co-creation session on 6 October please sign up via this Eventbrite link. The number of attendees is limited to 30 people. If the session is fully booked, please do add your name to the waiting list and we will free up places if possible. Please also let us know if there's anything we can do to make the session, or this work in general, easier for you to join - we're always happy to help.
If you would prefer to take part in activity 2 and have an individual call with Richard please email to organise this.
More information on how to get involved in activity's 3 and 4 coming soon!
If you are joining the co-creation sessions in a personal capacity, rather than in a paid role, then we can offer our usual rate of £75 for each session. This covers the two hours of the session plus prep and follow-up activity. There will be information about this when you register your place, as well as help with any accessibility support you may need.
We’re not anticipating the conversations with Richard or ‘co-creation in your own time’ activity taking any longer than one hour, so if you’re contributing via this method only then we can offer £25 for your time per activity completed.
If you have any questions or would like more information, please drop us a line: