Get involved: help us to co-produce our library of resources

Join us in co-producing our online library of resources in your own time

April 19, 2021
A small wooden shelf with a roof mounted on a wall that contains all sorts of books

Join us in co-producing our online library of resources - we keen to build on the work we started during the co-production session we held in August.

What have we done so far?

A massive thank you to all of you who joined us in starting to co-produce Co-Production Collective's library of resources during our online session on 23 August. Together with Sam from Big Lemon, the web designers helping us with this work, we discussed some other examples of resource libraries and how we might go about making the most of the spreadsheet of hundreds of resources that we currently have (started by the community back in 2017). The idea is that the library would help us as a community and other people who are interested to learn more about co-production. It could include things like toolkits to help people to co-produce, easy to access journal articles about co-production and examples of co-production projects others have taken part in.

The work forms part of the Value of Co-production project – which several of our community have been involved in co-producing. As with any of our work we will need to develop the library over time as we as a community grow and develop. Therefore, we plan to start creating the library now but add additional functions when resource and capacity of the team permits. We want as many people as possible from the Collective community to be involved in this co-production process and recognise that some people might not have been able to make the session. That’s why, we are now sharing a few other ways that you can get involved if you want to.

What next?

Whether you were able to attend our online session in August about co-producing our online library of resources and have further ideas to share, or you couldn’t make it but still want to be involved we would love to hear from you.

How to get involved

There are two ways you can currently get involved in co-producing our library of resources, they are:

  1. By completing our short survey – you can do so via this online form. If you’d prefer, you can also respond via email to using this downloaded version of the survey or even have a chat with us on the phone. The deadline for submitting your response is end of the day on Sunday 2 October.
  2. By getting involved in testing the library - let us know if you would like to do this by emailing It will involve one hour of having a go at using the library and feeding back how it works (or doesn’t) for you. This is likely to take place during the weeks commencing 3 October and 10 October - we will let you know more as soon as we can.

Further information

It is not essential to have read the notes from the workshop on 23 August before you take part in the survey or test the library, but if you would like to see them they are  available to view via: 

All of this work will feed into Big Lemon’s ongoing design work of the library.


There are two parts of this work. Please let us know which one(s) you would like to take part in if you are requesting payment.

Completing the survey - it’s totally up to you how long you choose to spend on responding to the survey – whether you send some brief thoughts or a longer response. If you did not participate in the co-creation session, are responding in a personal capacity and spend an hour or so on this, we would like to offer payment of £25 for your time and contribution.  

Testing of the library – if you are responding in a personal capacity and spend an hour or so on this, we would like to offer payment of £25 for your time and contribution.  

Please email if you would like to be paid for your time, and we’ll get in touch to organise this for you as soon as possible.

What happens next?

After Sunday 2 October, once everyone interested has had a chance to contribute to the survey mentioned above, we’ll analyse the feedback and identify any changes or key questions in relation to the work done to date. Big Lemon will then use this input to further develop the library of resources ready for us to test as a community from during the weeks commencing 3 October and 10 October.

Thank you

Thank you for shaping this journey with us. If you have any questions, feedback, or would like more information, please drop us a line by email at

Meeting notes

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