Join us to co-produce a co-production book review!

A new book about co-production is being published and we want to co-produce a book review! Read on to find out how you can get involved….

April 19, 2021
The pink front cover of COVID-19 and Co-production in Health and Social Care Research, Policy and Practice

There are lots of reasons to celebrate the forthcoming publication of the online book - COVID-19 and Co-production in Health and Social Care Research, Policy and Practice. Not only does it highlight the urgent need to put co-production and participatory approaches at the heart of responses to the pandemic, it’s edited by and includes contribution from some of our very own co-producers! It is open access, by which we mean available for everyone completely free online. You can find out more and download Volume 1 here and Volume 2 here.

If that wasn’t enough, there’s a co-produced chapter exploring Co-Production Collective’s experiences of virtual co-production in Volume 2! We’ll be sharing more about that in the coming weeks, but right now we’re particularly excited by an idea from Oli Williams, one of the editors, and some of the Dissecting Health Research Group who are working with him on his research and now this book. Over to them to explain more.

Meet the Dissecting Health Research Group members

Hi everyone. We are Clare, Sudhir and Dawn, and together with Co-Production Collective want to challenge the status quo of how book reviews are ‘usually’ done! We would like to pilot a different approach to reviewing books through co-production and bring together a collection of voices of people with lived experience of co-production.

We don’t know of any other co-produced book reviews; we think that this might be a first! We’d like you to join us, if you fancy it?

3 individual photos, one of Clare (a blonde white lady wearing a black top), one of Sudhir (an Indian older gentleman with glasses grey/white hair and beard, and a blue jumper) and Dawn (a black lady with glasses, a purple headband and black hair, wearing an orange top).
Clare, Sudhir and Dawn, from the Dissecting Health Research Group

Who can be a reviewer?

Anyone! No specific experience is required – all you need is an interest in co-production.

We want to bring together the perspectives of lots of different readers, so we’re looking for someone (or a group of people) to write a review for each of the chapters (not including the introductions, afterwords, or conclusions) in both volumes – 30 in total.

What will it involve?

Each chapter is 2,300-2,500 words long and should have been written in plain English. We think it will take approximately 2-4 hours to do a review and can offer a payment of £75 per chapter for your contribution. We’ll share some guidance in due course with the questions to cover in your review, although your thoughts and perspectives are most important!

If you would like any support in order to complete your review, please get in touch and we'll be happy to help in any way we can, e.g. talk you through the list of chapters.

How do you choose a chapter?

You can select your top five preferences from the summary of the different chapters below. Please put these in order of preference so number 1 = the chapter you most want to review. If you are struggling to choose your chapters then just let us know – we’re happy to help. You can email us on

We’re aiming to get one person to review each of the 30 chapters so hopefully we should be able to allocate you one of your preferences.


  • The deadline for registering your interest is Wednesday 26 May at 17:00 – see the details on how to do this below. If we have more than 30 expressions of interest we will draw 30 out of a hat randomly to review chapter.
  • We’ll get back to you on Tuesday 1 June confirming your chapter and sharing the Review Guidance document which outlines the review questions developed by the Dissecting Health Research Group.
  • You will have until Friday 11 June at 17:00 to complete the review, after which Co-Production Collective and the Dissecting Health Research Group will bring all of the reviews together into one overall review of the whole book.

There will be an online book launch taking place on Tuesday 22 June. We’re planning to share our co-produced book review at this event. Everyone is welcome to attend the book launch – you can register to attend on Eventbrite. We will of course also email you with the finished review.

How can you sign up?

***Update 26 May 2021 - the link to the sign up survey has been removed as the deadline has now passed and so you are unfortunately no longer able to sign up. Watch this space for this review coming soon.***

In the survey please let us know your name, email address, which of the five chapters you’d be happy to review (please consult the list of chapters) and 50-100 words(max!) on who you are and why you are particularly interested in co-production and reviewing one of these chapters. If we have more than 30 expressions of interest we will draw 30 out of a hat randomly to review chapter.

There is a jargon buster available below should you want to use it to help choose your chapter. We’ll do our best to make sure you are allocated one of your five choices. If the survey is tricky for you then please feel free to email your information (as well as any other questions you might have) to

Don't forget, the deadline to complete the survey and register your interest is Wednesday 26 May at 17:00.

We look forward to reading your reviews! 

Jargon buster

Open access - a broad international movement that seeks to grant free and open online access to academic information, such as publications and data.

Ethnographic approach - ethnography is the recording and analysis of a culture or society, usually based on participant-observation and resulting in a written account of a people, place or institution.

Protected characteristics - it is against the law to discriminate against someone because of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation. These are called protected characteristics.

Synergetic working - is a way of enhancing the effectiveness of a project by sharing and combining various levels of views and or expertise.

Synergy - has the potential to produce greater benefits when working in partnership than the potential benefit of working alone.

Utopia - an imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect.

Dystopia – is the opposite of utopia, whereby everything is harsh or bad in an imagine place.

My Rhodes has no nose – this is a joke in South Africa which the author’s of Volume 2 Chapter 3 (titled ‘My Rhodes has no nose: COVID-19 and the two cities of Cape Town’) go on to tell in their chapter. The joke is about a statue in Cape Town of British imperialist Cecil Rhodes which someone defaced by taking the nose off. The joke goes: My Rhodes has no nose. How does he smell? Awful.

#WirVsVirus – a Twitter hashtag used as a project name for a hackathon in Germany featured in Volume 2 Chapter 7 (titled ‘#WirVsVirus: communities co-producing new solutions to meet COVID-19 challenges through a hackathon in Germany’).

Meeting notes

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