Launching new website page for Value of Co-Production Research Project featuring new recommendations

In this blog we launch our new website page for the Value of Co-Production Research Project and outline why this has been created

April 19, 2021
A graphic showcasing different ways you can engage with the value of co-production research - a video, the headlines, an overview, our evidence base and all the detail

In October 2022 we launched our Value of Co-Production Research Project to make the case as to the value of co-production for individuals, organisations and society.

The team (made up of members of our community, staff members and partners) working on the project heard from over 700 people from a diverse range of backgrounds and experiences to shape the co-production of this work.

Our findings were supported by a rigorous evidence base made up of:

  • 573 online surveys
  • 100 stories of co-production experiences
  • 59 academic studies reviewed as part of rapid critical review
  • 9 pilot projects.

This resulted in an Interactive Summary document which brought together the findings from all the strands of this work and linked to several videos and reports for each of these strands.

For the past few months, we have been working with members of the Co-Production Collective community to make the Value of Co-production Interactive Summary document more accessible and easier to navigate. As part of this project, we identified the need to include some recommendations from all the different evidence bases in relation to:

  • Practicalities and conditions that can enable the optimal conditions for co-production to flourish.
  • What issues still require research in relation to co-production.

You will find these new recommendations as well as the content from the original Value of Co-production Summary and links to all the reports created on our new Value of Co-Production Research Project page on our website:

Have a look at our NEW Value of Co-production webpage

How can you help

Please share this webpage with anyone that you think would be interested.

Also, we would love to hear about how you are using this research and if there is anything else that you would find helpful from us in relation to this, or future research into co-production, as well as any feedback you have. Please email

Meeting notes

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