November update: Galloping towards the end of 2023

The latest news from the team and our community plus updates about our ongoing projects and upcoming opportunities

April 19, 2021
Horses running across a field with mountains in the background

As we begin to enter the home straight of 2023 we are galloping toward the finish line with lots of activity and projects underway and new projects being launched.

What we got up to in October

Macmillan Primary Care conference

Kafilla, Fatima, Cecily and Nicc facilitated the Macmillan Cancer Support Primary Care Conference and also launched a co-produced report ‘Addressing equality, diversity and inclusion through co-production'. You can read the Macmillan report via a Word document or PDF. The event included insightful workshops on topics like personalised care, health inequalities, and digital solutions. During the session we delivered, we focused on how working together can help address health disparities.

Photo of name badge and programme from Macmillan event with another photo of a lady in hijab standing next to a presenation screen and  another photo of a sign to the conference saying 'Macmillan Support Primary Care Conference with an arrow'

Mental Health sciences PhD

Anthony, Chloe, Humma and Nicc delivered the third co-production session to our third cohort of students on the UCL Wellcome Mental Health Science PhD course focusing on co-production in action. We discussed differentiating between “faux-production” and genuine co-production, how to map out a plan for a co-produced research project, and how to facilitate co-production sessions.

Photo of students from mental health science phd round a table with a slide projected on the wall saying co-producing change together

They then ran a session introducing co-production to our new and fourth cohort of students. The focus was on what co-production is and the principles that underpin it, the purpose of co-production, distinguishing between co-production and other types of involvement work, and the importance of co-production in changing the way mental health research is done and services delivered.  

Measuring Success in Co-production: final call for funding applications

We hosted our Networking, Connection and Development event for the Measuring Success in Co-production: Learning by Doing programme on the 17 October which you can read more about in our latest blog. There are just over two weeks to go until funding applications need to be in by 12 noon on Monday 27 November. Find everything you need about this programme, including videos from our previous events and how to apply for funding and what comes next on our new webpage.  

GO Hildas Birmingham workshop 2

Priya, Hameed, Krisztina and Nicc facilitated our second workshop for GO Hildas, which is a co-production group for Gynaecological Oncology in the West Midlands. The session aimed to develop ways of working together for the GO Hildas group, foster conversations about a term of reference for the group, and to help support the development of a list of interest areas of the group.

UCL Institute of Healthcare Engineering Symposium

We attended the annual research symposium organised by the UCL Institute of Healthcare Engineering. The event included talks from researchers focusing on key healthcare challenges like mental health and cyber security, healthcare engineering solutions for air pollution, the partnership between engineers and patients, and the benefits of patient engagement.

Co-Production Collective’s 3rd Birthday Celebration

Thank you to all who came to our 3rd Birthday Celebration on the 31 October! It was great to have the chance to celebrate together, hear your reflections on co-production, and share some exciting news about the new Our Direction 2023-2028 and the redevelopment of our website. If you missed the celebration and would like to catch up with what we discussed, you can:

2023 ACCELERATE Innovation Team Challenge Stakeholder Panel Meeting

Our Team was invited to sit on the ACCELERATE Innovation Team Challenge’s panel. The Team Challenge is an eight-week training programme aiming to strengthen participants’ knowledge and skills to develop a proposal to solve a real-life translational research challenge in an interdisciplinary team. As part of their training, Krisztina provided advice and feedback on the teams’ projects to help them further develop their proposals.

Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust Co-production Conference

Nicc went to the 2023 Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust  Co-production Conference organised one of our community members Mark Dale. The conference was attended by over 100 people, including people with lived and living experience, supporters, and people from voluntary and community sector. The event featured a Co-production showcase, including projects on the Urgent Emergency Care Pathway  and Co-production Champions Network.

Informal Support Networks in Domestic Abuse workshop

Vita, Karen and Nicc designed and delivered two workshops  on ‘Informal Support Networks in Domestic Abuse: Setting Agendas in the UK'. Bringing together researchers, survivors, frontline services, local authorities, charities & policy-makers the workshops aimed to discuss opportunities and challenges surrounding informal support for victim-survivors of domestic abuse; identify and agree on priorities for policy and practice in the UK context.

Get involved

Racism within co-production: exploring ways we can be an anti-racism co-production community

We're excited to announce a new collaborative project with People’s Voice Media. Our aim is to shed light on the issue of racism in co-production settings and give voice to those often unheard. You can find out more about this opportunity in our blog. If you are interested in sharing your story, please get in touch with us at by 5:00 PM (UK time) on Friday 17 November.

Heavy Menstrual Bleeding Patient and Public Involvement Group

We are looking for people who experience heavy menstrual bleeding (or have in the past) and are interested in getting involved in a research project we are working on. If you are interested in taking part and to find out more, please email by Sunday 26 November.  

Royal Free Charity Patient and Public Involvement in Research Group

We are looking for two people who live or work in the North Central London area (ie Camden, Islington, Haringey, Barnet, and Enfield) in the vicinity of the Royal Free Hospital in Hampstead to get involved in training and workshops we are providing the Royal Free Charity between December 2023 - March 2024. Co-producers will be paid in line with our payment policy. If you are interested in taking part and to find out more, please email by the 9 AM on Monday 27 November.

Preparing our new co-production collaboration with the EPPI Centre

We are inviting people with a range of knowledge and lived/living experience to join us in a new 5-year programme lead by the EPPI Centre (Evidence for Policy & Practice Information Centre) at UCL. The programme funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research will involve co-producing 3-5 research projects a year. The projects will involve evidence syntheses (summaries bringing together lots of high-quality research) to support decision making in health and social care policy and practice. We will be looking for individuals to work with us with on two projects initially – one on national screening programmes for diabetic eye or retinopathy (a condition caused by high blood sugar levels that affects the eyes) and another exploring broader markers of child health than are currently used for obesity/overweight. We will also be inviting individuals interested in overseeing the co-production process across the full programme. Look out for the blog, further information and brief application process coming soon.

Website testimonials

As part of our efforts to better communicate what we do we are also involved in a project to redevelop our website and would love to hear testimonials from you about being part of the Collective. If you are happy to help, please email

Co-Pro Cuppas

Thank you for coming to our November Co-Production Collective Co-Pro Cuppa– it was really lovely to chat with you and have great discussions on topics including remuneration, our newly evolved values, what co-production means to us and much more.

Our next Co-Pro Cuppas will take place on Tuesday 5 December at 1 pm and Tuesday 9 January at 10 am (UK time). You can find out more about the Cuppas and sign up via the events page on our website or on Eventbrite.

If you have any questions or would like to know more about our work, please get in contact by emailing us on

Meeting notes

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