Our end of year survey is now live – please take part and help shape Co-Production Collective

Our end of year survey is now live! Find out how you can have your say and why we would love to hear your views.

April 19, 2021
Image of 4 speech bubbles with faces and of different shapes, sizes and colours

One of our core values is about being challenging, challenging of ourselves and space within which we operate. As such, we are always keen to learn and to try to improve. This survey aims to help us find out people’s involvement in Co-Production Collective and what else we can be doing as a community to reach more people and remove barriers to people getting involved. It will also help us to understand a little bit more about you and how you prefer to be communicated with, what we are doing ok at and what we can improve on.

Whether you have recently heard about us and not come to any events, attended a training course by us or been a long-standing member of the community who has helped shape Co-Production Collective we would love to hear from you. Please follow the link below and have your say by midnight on Sunday 15 January at the latest. If you are able to share the survey with others and encourage them to complete it as well we would be very grateful.

The survey is anonymous and should take about 12 minutes to complete. It has been designed in Microsoft Forms which has an immersive reader to be more accessible but if you would find it easier to engage with it in a different format or would like help to complete the survey please just ask by contacting us on coproduction@ucl.ac.uk  

For those of you for whom co-production is not part of your job and you would like to claim payment for your time we would like to offer £25 for completing the survey, please follow the instructions at the end of the survey for information on how to go about this (we have a limited budget for this).

Thank you!

Meeting notes

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