The latest on the development of 'Our Direction 2023-2028'

An update of where we are at with finalising‘ 'Our Direction 2023-2028' our new strategy, our vision for the future and how we are going to achieve it, and how you get involved by providing your views on our latest draft.

April 19, 2021
Photograph of small shoots of plants coming up through the soil with green leaves by Francesco Galla from Unsplash

The end of October is fast approaching, and as this is when we plan to launch our new ‘Our Direction 2023-2028’ so we have lots of work to do! 'Our Direction 2023-2028' is our new strategy, our vision for the future and planned approach to achieving this vision.

As we’ve shared in our previous blogs we have been working hard on developing this document for over a year. Members of our Co-Production Collective community have shared their thoughts and feedback during two “Journey of change” workshops where we worked on our theory of change (a description and illustration of how and why a desired change is expected to happen in a particular context), four “Co-creating our new strategy” workshops and via email or phone in between all of the workshops.

In addition, we also checked in on and slightly revised our core values in a workshop in July – our recent blog about this work outlines some further information.

Where we are at now is that we have a full draft of the strategy but it isn't yet complete, we are working on finessing the content of the document and would really value your help!

How can you get involved?

Are you interested in co-production and how we can continue to push for change in the co-production of research, service and policy development? If yes, we would love to hear your views on the latest draft of our strategy.

If you would like to provide input, please email us on and we will send you back the draft version of ‘Our Direction 2023-2028’ to look at and comment on by midday Thursday 5 October (UK time). We anticipate this is no more than 1 hour of work as such, we would like to offer payment of £25 for your time.

We look forward to hearing from you. Thank you!

Meeting notes

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