Recognising and Acknowledging White Privilege: My Journey in Becoming an Ally
In this blog Vita shares her journey in understanding and acknowledging her privilege as a white person and becoming a better ally for people from the Global Majority.

Help shape Co-Production Collective’s communications - Join our sub group
Find out more about more about our plans for a new Co-Production Collective Communications sub group and how to apply to be part of it.

Key findings and recommendations from our end of year survey
Provides an overview of the findings from our end of year survey, the recommendations that came out of it and the commitments we have made so far as a result
Thinking about authorship justice - Reflections on the ‘Challenges of Equity in Authorship’ workshop
Alison reflects on the ‘Challenges of Equity in Authorship’ workshop a the UCL Open Science Conference.

Co-Production Collective Allies Group: March Meeting Notes
Co-Production Collective's Allies Group met once more to discuss key areas of our work. We're sharing the minutes so you can catch-up with what was discussed.

Participatory Visions: “It’s not about empowering people, it’s about holding space…”
In this blog Gillian Chan from the UCL Institute of Global Prosperity gives an overview of a project we were involved in to investigate the practical barriers university researchers and community partners face in conducting participatory social justice research.

May team update: In bloom
The latest news from the team and our community plus updates about our ongoing projects and upcoming opportunities.

Co-creating ‘Our Direction’ 2.0, our new strategy
An overview of what was discussed at our last strategy development session on 22 March and how you can get involved in our next session on 23 May.
Job opportunity - Co-production Co-ordinator
Co-production Collective is hiring! We are looking for someone to help us with project co-ordination of our work and administration

Help shape recruitment for new members of the Co-Production Collective Allies Group
In this blog we talk about the role and importance of the Co-Production Collective Allies Group and offer you the opportunity to get involved in shaping the recruitment for new members of the group.

April team update: Springing into life
The latest news from the team and our community plus updates about our ongoing projects and upcoming opportunities.