Recognising and Acknowledging White Privilege: My Journey in Becoming an Ally
In this blog Vita shares her journey in understanding and acknowledging her privilege as a white person and becoming a better ally for people from the Global Majority.

Be part of showcasing the work we do and impact we have as a community
We have been busy pulling together an impact report to showcase the amazing work we have all done over the last year and the impact it has had to help us secure funding for our future and are looking for people interested in getting involved.
The game changing effects of co-production and patient involvement in raising the profile of oral health
Ian Needleman from the Eastman Dental Institute at UCL reflects on the benefits to better health and wellbeing from his co-production and patient involvement work.

January team update: Looking ahead to 2023
The latest news from the team and our community plus updates about our ongoing projects and upcoming opportunities.

Our end of year survey is now live – please take part and help shape Co-Production Collective
Our end of year survey is now live! Find out how you can have your say and why we would love to hear your views.

The latest cohort of Mental Health Science PhD students would love you to get involved with their research
In this blog you will meet the latest cohort of Mental Health Science PhD students Co-Production Collective are training, find about the projects they are working on and how you get involved to support them.
The power of gaining a working understanding of co-production – Peter and Nour share their journeys
In this blog Peter and Nour who took part in 2021-22 UCL Institute of Healthcare Engineering’s Impact Fellowship Scheme share their experiences of co-production.

December team update: Celebrating 2022
The latest news from the team and our community plus updates about our ongoing projects and upcoming opportunities.

Open to all: our Resource Library is now live!
After many years in the making we have launched our co-production Resource Library for all to use. Please explore and share widely!
People living with dementia as co-researchers in the co-production of care planning
This blog has been co-written by all members of a research programme steering group, including people with living, and learnt experience of dementia which is co-producing research into care planning.

Sparks of inspiration: our November team update
The latest news from the team and our community plus updates about our ongoing projects and upcoming opportunities.