The importance of co-production in neurodiverse communities
In this blog Prisca shares her personal experiences and those of others to highlight the challenges of co-production in neurodiverse communities along with practical ways to make these spaces more inclusive.

How can technologies help us live happy, healthy lives as we age?
Georgie from the UCL Institute of Health Engineering shares with us her co-production journey to date, listening and learning. Find out how you can take part in shaping our future and finding the right technology to make ageing healthier and happier for all of us.

Co-production and involvement in health research: why aren’t we showing our working?
Centre co-producers, Jordan and Lynn, reflect on personal co-production, involvement experiences, and pose (many) difficult questions about how the Collective’s core values of Challenging, Transparent, Inclusive and being Human can be put into practice.

'Hard-to-reach' - the ghost of co-production past
Inspired by the challenges women faced while campaigning for their right to vote over a hundred years ago, Mandy writes from the perspective of a co-producer about the pressures of speaking up in public settings and how it could be helped by a more welcoming atmosphere.

The trees, the forest & the ecosystem... time to talk about our payment policy
This is a blog from Co-Production Collective co-producer Susan, who shares a little about the work she has been doing in pulling together info so that we can start on co-producing our very own payment policy! Over to you Susan...

Co-creating change together: our direction for 2020 - 2022
As our first month as Co-Production Collective draws to a close, the giddy excitement of the launch is a happy memory, and we’re no longer tripping over our new name quite so much, our thoughts are turning to a big question – what next? Good job we’ve got a brand new strategy to point us in the right direction…

Ambitiously co-producing mental health support
This blog was co-written by Sarah, Emily N and Juli who work at Ambitious about Autism with contributions from Saffron, Vera, Emily M and members of the Ambitious Youth Network. Find out how they have been adapting to the challenges of the pandemic and continue to co-produce the changes that autistic young people wish to see.

Mental health inequalities are widening and increasing! Co-production can help.
The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on our mental health have widened the existing inequalities while adding new ones to address. In this blog, Rory explores how co-production might be able to help address mental health inequalities, many of which have been created and or exacerbated by lockdown.

Pioneering co-production in mental health settings
Guest author and Co-production Collective co-producer Mark looks back at many years of co-production experience. He reflects on how his own mental health journey influenced service change and better collaboration within teams.

Learning from ‘Our Voices’: how collaboration and radical optimism got us here
Our guest author Shuranjeet provides some reflections on why he thought a zine like ‘Our Voices’ was needed, how it helped him understand the complexities around collaboration, and how we can build on these lessons in the future when co-producing.

And our new name is... Co-Production Collective!
Have you noticed anything different with the UCL Centre for Co-production? I'll give you a clue.... we have a new name!! Exciting times!