New opportunities to help co-produce reproductive health research and policy

We invite you to join us in working to co-produce the Reproductive Health Policy Research Unit. Read this blog to find out what the opportunity entails and how you can get involved.

April 19, 2021
March 11, 2024
The photo depicts a blackboard with a cloud drawn on it with chalk. In the cloud there is a lightbulb.

We are looking for several people to join us in working on co-producing the Reproductive Health Policy Research Unit. The National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) funded unit is a new £3 million research investment over 3 years from January 2024. Reproductive health concerns physical, mental, and social well-being relating to the reproductive system, including a safe and satisfying sex life and reproductive rights. The purpose of the unit is to produce high quality research evidence to inform policy about health, care and public health systems for reproductive health in England. Consequently, the unit will work closely with the Department of Health and Social Care and other government departments.

Find out more

This is an exciting opportunity to play your part in helping to inform policy about health, care and public health systems for reproductive health in England. Each of the role descriptions linked to below provide more details about the aims of the policy unit, what each role will involve and how to apply.

  • Co-chair (lived or living experience) - as a PDF or as a Word document - deadline extended to 15 March (see below).
  • Co-chair (learnt experience) - as a PDF or as a Word document - deadline extended 15 March (see below).
  • Team member (co-producer with lived or living experience) - as a PDF or as a Word document - **opportunity now closed** (deadline was 17:00 on 11 March).

How to apply

Please apply via this online Expression of Interest form.

If using this form does not work for you feel free to get in touch with Niccola via email on and we can provide support or alternative ways of sharing your interest (e.g. submitting a video answering the questions in the Expression of Interest form).

The deadline to submit your application for the co-chairs roles is 17:00 (UK time) on Friday 15 March 2024.

Payment and benefits

Payment will be offered at the standard National Institute of Health & Care Research (NIHR) rates as outline in each role description. This is due to the fact that they are the funder of the Policy Research Unit. There may also be additional benefits and acknowledgements of being involved which will be outlined for each project. You will also receive training to support your involvement in these projects.  

Further information

Led by University College London (UCL), the Reproductive Health Policy Research Unit is a collaboration between researchers at UCL, University of Birmingham, University of Oxford, University of Warwick, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and experts by experience.

Co-Production Collective, at UCL (University College London) is leading on co-production aspects of the Reproductive Health Policy Research Unit. For those of you reading this who are unfamiliar with Co-Production Collective this is some more information about us.

About Co-Production Collective

Co-Production Collective is a diverse and growing community of people from a variety of backgrounds who come together to learn, connect, and champion co-production for lasting change. We do this through providing consultancy, delivering training and presentations, and participating in the design and implementation of research projects, all with our community members involved. We work hard at practising what we preach and co-produce ourselves. This means our policies, practices, priorities and plans are shaped by our community for our own benefit but also as an example of co-production for others to learn from.

To us, co-production is an approach to working together in equal partnership and for equal benefit. You can find out more about our approach on this website. At Co-Production Collective everything we do is guided by our core values. One of which is ‘inclusive‘. For us, this means proactively promoting inclusivity by being equitable in our approaches to all we do. Therefore, it’s really important for us to ensure we are actively engaging with and involving people from all communities in all we do. We go out of our way to make opportunities for people to get involved in what we do as equitable and accessible as possible.  

Why co-production is central to the Reproductive Health Policy Unit

You can read more about the National Institute of Health & Care Research (NIHR) principles of co-production in their Guidance for co-producing research and about equity, equality, diversity and inclusion in the Health Inequalities Assessment Toolkit – both of these things are central to our approach to our work in the Policy Research Unit.

Get in touch

We are particularly keen to recruit from groups that are typically under-represented in health research and decision-making. If there is anything we can do to make it easier for you to apply, please get in touch with Niccola via email on

Cover photo credit: Pixabay from Pexels

Meeting notes

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